Saturday 17 October 2015

Different parts or elements of Hip Hop


This is the technique of manipulating and creating music on a DJ mixer. One of the first few hip-hop DJs was Kool DJ Herc, who created hip hop through the isolation of "breaks" (the parts of albums that focused solely on the beat). In addition to Herc, DJs like Grandmaster Flowers, Grandmaster Flash, Grand Wizard Theodore, and Grandmaster Caz made further made innovations with the introduction of scratching of disc on mixer.                                                                              

                      The DJ will then perform various tricks between the two albums currently in rotation using different methods. The result is a unique sound created by combined sound of two separate songs into one song. Although there is some overlap between the two roles, a DJ is not the same as a producer of a music track. The music is produced by a music producer.


Rapping (also known as emceeing, MCing) is spoken or chanted rhyming lyrics with a strong rhythmic accompaniment". It can be broken down with different components, such as “content”, “flow” (rhythm and rhyme), and “delivery”. Rapping is different from spoken word poetry in that it is performed in time to the beat of the music. The use of the word "rap" is to describe quick and slangy speech or repeat long predates of musical form. MCing is a form of expression that is embedded within ancient African culture and oral tradition as throughout history verbal acrobatics or involving rhymes were common within the Afro-American community.


Graffiti is the most controversial hip-hop's elements, as a number of the most notable graffiti pioneers say that they do not consider graffiti to be an element of hip-hop, including Lady Pink, Seen, Blade, Fargo, Cholly Rock, Fuzz One, and Coco 144. There is no correlation between hip-hop and graffiti, one has nothing to do with the other.

                          In America around the late 1960s, graffiti was used as a form of expression by political activists, and also by gangs such as the Savage Skulls, La Familia, and Savage Nomads to mark their territory. JULIO 204 was one of the first graffiti writers in New York City.


Breaking also called B-Boying or break-dance, is a dynamic style of dance which developed as part of the hip hop culture. Breaking is one of the major elements of hip hop culture. Break-dance borrows inspiration heavily from many cultures, including 1930s-era street dancing,Afro-Brazilian and Asian martial arts, Russian fol music and the dance moves of James Brown, Michael Jackson and California Funk Styles. It took form in the South Bronx in the 1970s.


Beatboxing, is the technique of vocal percussion. It is the art of creating beats or rythms using the human mouth.
                It declined in popularity along with b-boying in the late 1980s, but has undergone a resurgence since the late 1990s, marked by the release of "Make the Music 2000." by Rahzel of The Roots.

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